News & Get Involved

News and stories related to World Lupus Federation activities and the impact of lupus around the world.

Press Releases

Media releases issued by the World Lupus Federation. Visit Press Releases.


Stories about the impact of lupus on people around the world and the efforts by individuals and organizations working to improve the quality of life for people living with lupus. Visit News.

e-Report: “Lupus Knows No Boundaries”

The Lupus Knows No Boundaries e-Report brings together firsthand experiences of people with lupus, their advocates and those who treat them, to tell the real story of lupus, highlighting the ongoing physical and emotional needs of those who are affected by this incurable disease. Read the e-Report

World Lupus Day

World Lupus Day is sponsored by the World Lupus Federation. Through coordinated efforts of its global affiliates, the World Lupus Federation works to elevate lupus on the global healthcare agenda, create greater awareness and understanding of lupus, provide education and services to people living with the disease, and advocate on their behalf. Visit the World Lupus Day website.

Lupus Clinical Trial Education Opportunity

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